Wednesday, November 10, 2010

11/11 = love!

Happy Armistice Day, allied nations!

It also happens to be my third wedding anniversary. Happy anniversary, Curtis, I miss you!

Here in Korea 11/11 is Pepero day, when young couples give each other Lotte brand cookie sticks, a holiday that I imagine was invented by Lotte. Happy Pepero Day, young lovers!

And here in Seoul on 11/11 we seem to be celebrating the G20 Summit. Happy G20, everyone!

I will be celebrating 11/11 with a day trip to Busan with Nayoung from Seoul Art Space. I'm slightly disappointed about the timing because I think leaving Seoul will drastically reduce my chances of running into Barack Obama on the street (hang in there, Mr. President!), but I'm also relieved to have an excuse to escape the G20 pandemonium, which is predicted to be very pandemonious.

We shall see...

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